Three: if the skin of a man and a woman who is not a mahram touch without a barrier. 1. Upon expiry of the period the masah breaks. if a person’s Wudhu had broken at the Rukn-e-Yamaani, then after renewing ones Wudhu, one would resume the Tawaaf from the. ربنا ءاتنا في دنيا حسنة وفي الآخرة حسنة وقنا. The late prominent Saudi scholar Sheikh Ibn Baz (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked about this issue and he said, If a person becomes in a state of minor impurity during tawaf, his tawaf is rendered invalid, as in the case of Prayer. The main objective is to avoid attracting attention. Question: What things break wudu' in a nutshell? ANSWER Seven things break wudu': 1. This is the correct view; there is a difference of scholarly opinion concerning this matter, but this is the correct view concerning both prayer and tawaf, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “If one of you breaks wind silently during prayer, let him go and do wudu then repeat the prayer. Q: I have heard that passing wind being in the state of wudhu, breaks wudhu only if the wind has odour or sound. Points that break wudu are a vital topic of conversation in Islamic legal literacy. Purify your heart, by asking for Allah’s forgiveness. The majority of scholars are of the view that wudu is an essential condition of tawaf. Eight things break Wudhu. However, if you have wiped over your socks during Wudu, you cannot wipe over them again unless you have re-performed Wudu. If your wudu breaks while praying. Make new Wudu and start from the incomplete Tawaf. In the Shafi’i school, being in a state of wudu is actually only a condition for the Tawaf and any prayers performed during the pilgrimage. MENU . In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, I pray this finds you in the best of states. ربنا ءاتنا في دنيا حسنة وفي الآخرة حسنة وقنا. Wuḍūʾ (Arabic: الوضوء al-wuḍūʼ [wʊˈdˤuːʔ]) is the Islamic procedure for cleansing parts of the body, a type of ritual purification, or ablution. It is necessary for a person to be in the state of Wudhu whilst making Tawaaf of the Ka’bah. slipping down to your heels during tawaf in umrah due to a large crowd and people kicking your foot by mistake. I suffer terribly from flatulence and in Ramadan it is particularly very bad. And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best. Ghusl. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. Vomitting mouthful 4. Basically, Tawaf is to circumambulate the Kaaba 7 times. Therefore, if one removes his/her clothes whilst in the state of wudhu, the wudhu will not terminate. Wudu is an essential and integral part of Islamic worship, and its importance cannot be overstated. If the Tawaf al-Ziyarah is performed even after 12 th of Dhul Hijjah, the penalty will be waived. So if wudu breaks during tawaf, you do not have to go out to do wudu. I love sharing every moment with my group and teaching. Wudu is required to perform Tawaf. Purify your heart, by asking for Allah’s forgiveness. Tawaf. " Step 1 : Strike the palms of both hands simultaneously on earth, sand, or stone (in order of preference) which is dry and clean. 2. Meskipun pada dasarnya hukum wudu adalah wajib, ada beberapa kondisi yang dapat mengubah status hukum wudu tersebut. One must complete seven rounds of the Ka`bah. Jamaica [1]A. wasting, Washing each limb more than three times,. By following these steps, you can perform Tawaf during the Hajj in a meaningful and spiritual way. To faint due to some illness of any other reason. Pilgrims should perform Vitr prayer during Tawaf by leaving the circumambulation. After the renewal of the wudhu, the person will continue from where they had left off and will not be required to start the tawaf from the beginning. Best Information About Wudu in Islam. 1. Hi! Things that break wudu are a crucial topic of conversation in Islamic legal proficiency. Many Muslims struggle with baseless misgivings (waswasa) and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). It is permissible to sit and relax during Tawaf. Some parts of the body that must be washed are the face, the palms of the hands up to the elbows, and the two feet to the ankles. If you break your wudu in tawaf, A) at what point do you restart the tawaf or do you make wudu and continue. But if wudhu broke. After you pray the 2 Rak'ah of Tawaf move on. (Menstruating women cannot perform Tawaf). So if you were in the middle of the 4th, lost your wudu, you start at the beginning of the 4th. e. ” [At-Tirmidhi]. One important thing you must understand, that fart is the wind that comes out of the anus. Siddiqi, stated, Wudu’ is only required for Tawaf. ) narrated by Abu Dawoud, and was authenticated by Bin Khuzaymah. 6. According to the Reliance, a person’s ablution is invalidated by “touching human private parts with the palm or inner surface of the fingers only (N:i. Less than seven rounds will invalidate the tawaf; if more than seven rounds are made deliberately, the tawaf will be invalid too, as will be discussed below. ” (Abu Dawud). Another way is tayammum. If you comprehend the Quranic verse and also hadith above, you can conclude that wudu is crucial in Islam for numerous reasons as follows: Wudu is the essential method to remove minor hadas. The reason being that, the washing of the inside of one’s nose is obligatory during an obligatory bath (ghusl), thus if blood flowed to a place that is required to be washed (whether in Wudu or Ghusl), then Wudu will be nullified. If your wudu is nullified while performing Tawaf, you must stop it immediately. If Tawaf al-Wida is performed after this time, it is considered as Tawaf al-Wida and the Tawaf al-Ziyarah will still be outstanding. Things that break wudu are a crucial subject of discussion in Islamic legal proficiency. And tawaf is of the same nature as Prayer in general. 3- Washing the limbs three times, except the head and ears, which are to be wiped once. That’s the Islamic law about farting. ) is beneficial before bed even though it will break during sleep. For Malaysian, I would suggest to watch Promedia Tajdid channel from the likes of Dr Maza, Dr Rozaimi, and etc. The circumambulation must be done by the pilgrims in an anti-clockwise direction i. After the renewal of the wudhu, the person will continue from where they had left off and will not be required to start the tawaf from the beginning. 3. Ablutions (wudu) is essential. This Tawaf is. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. Insha Allah these stray thoughts will go away. The app is mainly focussing on Umrah and Tamattu. Best Information About Wudu in Islam. Answer: You can perform Tawaf and Saii whilst pushing a baby trolley. In Islam, there is much discussion about farting and wudu. OCD is defined as “a common, chronic, and long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and/or behaviors (compulsions) that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over. Dog saliva, human and animal waste, nor blood do break wudhu. • After Wudu, you don’t need to start Tawaf from the beginning. Title: If someone's wudhu breaks after 3 or 4 circle (tawaf) during tawaf then from where he will start his tawaf after making wudhu? Question: If someone's wudhu breaks after 3 or 4 circle (tawaf) during tawaf then from where he will start his tawaf after making wudhu? Answer ID: 145738. So, if the Muslims have farted, they are not allowed to perform the rituals in Islam that require them to have ablution, such as praying, Tawaf, touching the Quran and so on. Also supplicate the same when you reach there while drinking Zam Zam water. Call it prayer, Tawaf, and holding the Quran. Blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, his Household, Companions and followers. If he spoke to anyone, then he has to repeat the whole prayer. There is a difference of scholarly opinion concerning this matter, but this is the correct view with regard to both tawaf and Prayer because the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “If. At-Tirmidhi (960) narrated from Ibn 'Abbas, that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Tawaf around the House is like prayer, except that you may speak during it. Also found in other Hanafi Fiqah works) 2) Falling asleep while leaning against something breaks wudhu. Some scholars view that wudu is not essential in tawaf. The tawaf shall start and end from the Hajar e Aswad. It includes making wudu steps and its obligations. If I go to renew wudhu how do you rejoin and from which round? A: You may just restart the round in which you had to leave. Ihram clothing ( Ahram clothing) includes men's and women's garments worn by Muslim people while in a state of Iḥrām, during either of the Islamic pilgrimages, Ḥajj and/or ʿ Umrah. Getting married. Berkaitan dengan persoalan di atas, mengenai adakah batal wudhu’ jika tersentuh antara lelaki dan perempuan ketika melakukan tawaf, ianya menjadi perkara khilaf dikalangan para ulama’ dan kami nyatakan seperti berikut: 1. Final Dua: When Sa’i is completed, make the final dua and do two rakahs of nafl salah (a voluntary prayer) in Masjid al-Haram. The private parts of men and women during the tawaf shall be covered. Wudhu is wajib for tawaf. to wash the face. 7) Wash your left arm up to the elbow. Similarly, wudu. Ghusl ( Arabic: غسل ġusl, IPA: [ˈɣʊsl]) is an Arabic term to the full-body ritual purification mandatory before the performance of various rituals and prayers, for any adult Muslim after sexual intercourse (i. If a person performed tawaf without wudhu, he will either give damm or sadaqah depending on the nature of the tawaf. 2. Introduction Wudu and ghusl both are ritual ablutions; the former is a minor ablution while the latter is a major ablution. Please confirm. to wash the feet up to and including the anklebones. In the Shafi’i school, being in a state of wudu is actually only a condition for the Tawaf and any prayers performed during the pilgrimage. [3] 2. ¬ Its procedure is similar to that of Tawaf of Umrah and it is essential that you have performed wudu. 3. Team service helps to choose a 3-star hotel or 5-star hotel with the facility. For example you have completed the 3rd round of Tawaf and your wudu breaks you have to stop performing Tawaf and need to do wudu again so once you will. So if you were in the middle of the 4th, lost your wudu, you start at the beginning of the 4th. Title: problem of passing wind Question: I have a problem of passing wind which is sometimes so troubling that I pass wind 2-3 times in one salah or during performing wudhu itself. DUA DURING ALL SEVEN ROUND Tawaf Yamini corner to Hajar Al-Aswad Walk normal Recite the following Dua as many times as possible. If we do all that without. 3 (a) Give an account of the conditions required for ablution (wudu) and the method of performing it. doing Umrah and taking off Ihram of Umrah and after a period of time putting Ihram again for Hajj). BincangSyariah. Ads by Muslim Ad Network. After offering Vitr prayer, you must kiss or touch Hajar al-Aswad (Black Stone). Eating Camel Meat. The Ways of Purification 4. Guidelines for exchange the Tawaf Properly Arab News. Completing a full circle around the Holy Kaaba counts as one circle. , keeping the Holy Kaabah on the left-hand side at all times. It is a condition for the complete fulfillment of the circumambulation (Tawaf) during the ‘Umra, that one be in a state of purity during it. Points that break wudu are an essential subject of discussion in Islamic lawful proficiency. Wudu can release energy and burn it by releasing it through the hands. During all Tawaf » Recite any Dua’s from memory, and may recite Qur’ān do Istighfar, Tawba, and cry to Allah SWT sincerely for all your sins also make Du’a for Family and Friends (Du’a can be recited in any languages). Scholars. And it is also sunnah to perform Raml during Tawaf-al-Ifada. There is no problem if you rest before going to Tawaf if you feel tired. In Islam, a nafl prayer, (pl. This type of Tawaf is obligatory for Muslims traveling from outside the Miqat boundary to perform Hajj al-Qiran and Hajj al-Ifrad before Wuquf on the 9th. Muslims on its obligations during wudu will be out as long as long answer to. 7. wassalam, [Ustadh] Tabraze Azam. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “So. During Wudu it is easy to waste a lot of water! A good Muslim should. The Imam will then make fresh wudhu and restart the Salah from the beginning. A pilgrim must enter into this state before crossing the pilgrimage boundary, known as Mīqāt, by performing the cleansing rituals and wearing the. Best Information About Wudu in Islam. If wudhu broke after completing four rounds of tawaf then after making wudhu one is free either to complete the. No. Rather, he is required to slaughter a sheep and distribute it. • Start your remaining incomplete Tawaf from Hajar Al-Aswad. It is because you have to touch it, which is not permissible at all, in the impure. Wudu is one of the sources to get purity against Janab. So if wudu breaks during tawaf, you do not have to go out to do wudu. Taharah. As Muslims, we must understand that. Skip to content. Five Pillars. Join our growing community of Pilgrims and explore hundreds of other questions at. e. In this video we explore what to do if you lose your wudhu during the tawaf, with Sheikh Shams Adduha Muhammad. 10 June, 2023 Q Dear scholars, As-Salaam `Alaykum. Things that break wudu are an essential topic of conversation in Islamic legal proficiency. In just a few short days, Hajj erases a lifetime of mistakes while simultaneously opening the doors to Jannah (paradise). Go to Makam Ibrahim and pray two rakat. Does she need to offer damm for these. Imam, i have started praying my 5-times- a-day namaz for a year and recently i have come across a problem. . e. But if wudhu broke before completing the four rounds then it is better to perform the tawaf again. Performing Tawaf is very easy. – Sakib Arifin. However, if a person vomits a mouthful or more, it will nullify the Wudhu. Wudu during pilgrimage. But you shouldn’t stay there for too long lest you break the sequence, as is commonly believed. Prepare by removing unwanted hair, trimming the moustache, and clipping nails. - Tawaf around the Ka’ba - Touching writings of the Holy Qur’an - and also touching the names of our 14 Ma’sumin. Rebecca Masterton, Dr Rebecca Masterton graduated with a BA in Japanese Language and Literature; an MA in Comparative East Asian and African Literature and a PhD in Islamic literature of West Africa. Breaking Wudhu During Tawaf - What Do You Do?In this video, we explore the rules of Tawaf, with Shaykh Shams Adduha Muhammad. I have difficulty in holding wudhu during tawaf also. This is an easy to understand and complete step by step Umrah guide on how to perform Umrah. The Purity of Water 2. Muslims should recognize all this so that. If I am not sure weather I farted or not can I say my prayer? If I see any video of naked people on whatapp (so many people send picture / videos), would my wudhu break? If I talk abusive language, would my wudhu break? A: Yes. Tawaf-al-Qudoom. If wudhu broke after completing four rounds of tawaf thenOne: if something comes out of two holes: the front opening (penis and vagina) and the back hole (anus). Wudu in Islam. 1. Ini juga bermaksud perlu kepada wudhu’ bagi seseorang yang ingin melakukan tawaf. You can take a break after Tawaf, before Sa'i. One Tawaf is made up of seven full rounds, each beginning and ending at the Hajar Aswad. If the person wearing them was in a condition of wudu prior to that he must simply remove the khuffayn and wash his feet. It is cautious to start slightly before where one stopped so as to guarantee a complete circuit. This individual has to do wudu everytime he has to pray due to this condition. 4. to wipe a little of the head with wet hands. To have the intention when one starts washing the face. Commence the recitation of fazaail-e-amaal, fazaail-e-sadaqaat and fazaail-e-durood morning and evening. The penalty will be waived and Tawaf al-Wida must be performed again before sunset on the 12 th of Dhul Hijjah. For your Wudu to be correct, you must follow the order and do all the actions without a break or interruption in the middle. g. 4. Secondly, it is the duty of the parent to make sure that the child doesn’t break any rules or refrain from doing the forbidden things during Umrah. According to Shaykh Ibn `Uthaymin, you can take a break during Tawaf for a few minutes, but it can’t be a long break, in case you take a break for like 1 or 2 hours you must perform Tawaf all over again, Performing Tawaf requires physical stamina and endurance, especially considering the large crowds and the repetitive nature of the ritual. Thus, when one's wudhoo’ (ablution) is broken during his tawaf and he proceeds without renewing, his tawaf becomes invalid. 1. Q: If a person breaks wudhu during tawaf what is the procedure. While the women are allowed to perform all the hajj duties during their menstruation cycle, they are prohibited from performing tawaf and sai. IV. For some types of worship, Islam requires Muslims to have wudu while doing it all. Integrals of Ablution. Tawaf is one of the prohibitions for Muslim women during periods. Foto ilustrasi: Sejumlah jamaah mengambil air wudhu yang berada di bawah Tower Zamzam, Makkah. In case he returned to his country, he is not required to make up for the tawaf. Prepare by removing unwanted hair, trimming the moustache, and clipping nails. Trimming nails. [2] And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best Mufti Saeed Ahmed Golaub. e. Wudu and prayer in case of urinary incontinence . This is obligatory in the Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali. It does not. 1. ” [At-Tirmidhi]. According to Hanafis and Shafis, he should continue the Tawaf even if it violates wudu and finish up to seven rounds. The Hanafis and Shafis have views that he should resume the Tawaf even if it breaks wudu and complete up to seven rounds. 2) Wash your hands three times, up to the wrists. And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best. (Fatawa Darul Uloom Deoband v. starting again at the Hajr al Aswad (Black Stone). Wudu breaks, find the nearest Wudu area and make Wudu. Conclusion. A: If a pilgrim breaks his Wudu' during Tawaf, his Tawaf becomes null and void. Finish lap 1. They are: 1. The main objective is to avoid attracting attention. No, looking at the private parts don't break the wudu. e. Men's garments often consist of two white unhemmed sheets (usually towelling material) and are universal. If one washed one’s hands and passed wind then the previous act got annulled, thus he should start his wudhu again. For Tawaf to be completed, repeat the circles 7 times, and if you are in doubt, you may perform another circle or round. The prayer is not considered. Muktamad di dalam. and the Tawaf (circumambulation) around the Ka’aba during Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). They are: 1. However, since vaginal discharge is a common quandary among Muslim women and a subject of controversy among the scholars, I wanted to write a separate entry on this. « Ablutions (wudu) is essential for. Otherwise wudhu remains valid. 4. One Tawaf is made up of seven full rounds, each beginning and ending at the Hajar Aswad. [Ibn ‘Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar]Can you do Tawaf more than 7 times? One must circumambulate seven times continuously. And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best. Touching the Quran is one of the prohibitions for Muslim women during periods. If I go to renew wudhu how do you rejoin and from which round? A: You may just restart the round in which you had to leave. This individual has to do wudu everytime he has to pray due to this condition. Do not repeat any completed Tawaf which you performed before braking Wuhu. Regarding the third question, as mentioned above wind from the front private part dopes not break wudhu. Tawaf. This is the same direction as the regular Tawaf. Take a shower (Ghusl) or perform Wudu to wash away dirt from body. The name of the meal Muslims eat when they break the fast? , The number of times Muslims go around the Kaaba during Tawaf?, The special white clothes Muslims wear during Hajj, When water is not available to do Wudu, you can do this instead. 125 "And take the Station of Abraham as a place of prayer. In the enquired case, since the tayammum was not valid because of the availability of water nearby, you would need to make damm (sacrifice a sheep) for doing Tawaf-i-Ziyarah without wudhu. To wear the Ihram, this should be white and brand new. If he has a small hadas, he is not allowed to perform worship that requires him to be in a holy condition (having. 1. Muslims have to comprehend every one of this to make sure that they understand whether their wudu has broken or otherwise. to wash the arms up to and including the elbows. To faint due to some illness of any other reason. Next, wash with the intention of entering Ihram. In Umrat-ut-Tamatu, the second obligation is tawaf. 6. 5 day VIP Umrah package cost 7 days Umrah package. If wudu breaks. 6. t. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions. Muslims must understand all of this so that they know whether their wudu has been broken or not. Conditions of wudu:The name of the meal Muslims eat when they break the fast?, The number of times Muslims go around the Kaaba during Tawaf?, The special white clothes Muslims wear during Hajj, When water is not available to do Wudu, you can do this instead. 5. This period is calculated from the first time the wudu breaks after having worn the Khuffayn. As a result, she performed Tawaf Ziyaarah, Tawaaf Wida, Tawaaf Umrah, and several nawaafil tawaaf without wudhu. Pilgrims must. It is purely admitting in your heart and mind that you will perform Wudu for Salah. This is the same direction as the regular Tawaf. Tawaaf Umrah: If any circuit of the Tawaaf of Umrah was performed without wudhu, then a damm will be compulsory. Tawaf (7 rounds around the Ka'bah) ‐ You must be in Wudu (ablution) Men to leave their right shoulder bare ONLY during the entire Tawaf, this is called Idtiba'a, after the tawaf men need to cover both shoulders. And the saying of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, with which he instructed 'Amr ibn Hazm as governor of Yemen: لا يمس القرآن إلا طاهر. e. However, if you are performing the Umrah by yourself then try to do the Ramal to. There are two views: That it does invalidate wudu. If Tawaf is done incorrectly in ihraam then does one need to repeat the tawaf or penelty alone suffices? On 10th Zilhaj,after pelting the shaytan,doing animal sacrifice&Halq all the restrictions of ihraam have ended–except sexual relations with…Wudu in Islam. It freshens the mind and the heart and leaves one feeling clean and pure. Tawaf is one of the prohibitions for Muslim women during periods. Answer: wa`alaykum as-salam. As mentioned earlier in this article, you cannot touch the Holy Quran when you are not in the state of wudhu. If jumped from any obligations based on our newsletter to take steps islam has acted proactively to foot after wiping any2. If a pilgrim deliberately abandons it, his Hajj, shall be null and void, irrespective of whether or not he was aware of the rule governing the matter. Tawaf begins from the corner of the Kaaba with the Black Stone. Points that break wudu are an important topic of conversation in Islamic legal proficiency. Pilgrims should start the Tawaf from the black stone. And the saying of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, with which he instructed 'Amr ibn Hazm as governor of Yemen: لا يمس القرآن إلا طاهر. ALLAHUMMA ALBAITU BAITUKA WALHARAMU HARAMUKA WALABDU ABDUKA WAHADHAA MAQAAMUL AAIDHIBIKAL. This act bares the right shoulder and is known as Iztaba. 6. The answers are numbered accordingly: 1) Falling asleep in the position described by you does not break wudhu. does touching poop break wudu?. The name of the meal Muslims eat when they break the fast? , The number of times Muslims go around the Kaaba during Tawaf?, The special white clothes Muslims wear during Hajj, When water is not available to do Wudu, you can do this instead. If a pilgrim deliberately abandons it, his Hajj, shall be null and void, irrespective of whether or not he was aware of the rule governing the matter. This act bares the right shoulder and is known as Iztaba. In conclusion, changing clothes does not break Wudu. Taqsir refers to minor trimming of the hair and is also recommended for women performing Umrah. However, if the blood did not flow to the soft part (bone) of the nose, then one’s Wudu will not be nullified. Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn Baz (may Allah have mercy on. In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. as well as Tawaf. The question has some difference in opinion, but this is the correct for tawaf and the prayer, due to the saying of the Prophet ﷺ (When one of you releases air (through his anus) during Salat (prayer), he should break the Salat (prayer) then perform ablution and repeat the prayer. 3 (a) Give an account of the conditions required for ablution (wudu) and the method of performing it. Misconceptions/ Mistakes in Tawaf Although preferable, you do not have to have Wudu during Sa’i. It is necessary for a person to be in the state of Wudhu whilst making Tawaaf of the Ka’bah. With practice and patience, you’ll be able to connect with Allah and complete this. Also found in other Hanafi Fiqah works) 2) Falling asleep while leaning against something breaks wudhu. Breaking wudu during tawaaf. For your Wudu to be correct, you must follow the order and do all the actions without a break or interruption in the middle. During our past visits to Makkah/Madina, I have frequently come back to the hotel to re-do my wudu and prayers after having. 2. So, if you hear farts or smell farts, then it is farts that spoil wudu. There are several points they have provided for that, such as seeking explanations in Islamic publications, on the internet, and more. If the person wearing them was in a condition of wudu prior to that he must simply remove the khuffayn and wash his feet. Do wudoo’ for each prayer, then pray as you are, and pray as much as you like, fard and naafil, with this wudoo’. Misgivings, however, are of no legal consequence. Tawaf al-Qudum is also called the Tawaf of Arrival because it is performed upon arriving in Makkah before starting the Hajj. Quran. 4- Starting from the right. Take a handful of water in the right hand and pour this water over the face from the top (just above the forehead). Tawaf-al-Widaa. Tawaf al Widaa or farewell Tawaf is an act of Hajj that must be carried out by pilgrims who come from outside the boundaries of Miqat. Pray two Raka’ā (with Sura Kafirun and Ikhlas) anywhere in Al-Haram. 3. The Chapter exclude: • Women menstrual. Pilgrims should start the Tawaf from the black stone. Stick with them, but at least one time, whether it’s during a nafl tawaf, Hajj tawaf/ Tawaf al Ziyarah or Tawaf al-Wada', try to experience the first level. [Shurunbulali, Maraqi al-Falah]To be in the state of wudhu during tawaf is wajib (compulsory) and therefore will need to be renewed if the wudhu is broken. those parts which touch when the hands are put together pal m to palm), whether one touches the private parts. one of the vital aspects of this. If she has only done two of them then it is permissible for her to do anything apart from intercourse.